From the shores of the Mediterranean to the top of the Matterhorn.
1) FLYING TO EUROPE (Maureen Boudier & Mr. I) A great song that mentions all the countries of Europe.
2) EURO DOLLAR (Gary Huntbatch) The new European currency.
3) SARASPONDA (Traditional Dutch) Fun spinning song.
4) PARIS (Anise Abdulla) To the tune of B-I-N-G-O. Teaches some things about Paris. Oo La La!
5) AY COMPARE (Traditional Italian) Fun, Fun Fun. Gary Q learns to sing Italian.
6) LEONARDO DA VINCI (Mr. I) Facts about Leonardo da Vinci.
7) UNITED KINGDOM (Anise Abdulla) Fun song from Miss Anise.
8) LAVENDERS BLUE (Traditional English)
9) STODOLA PUMPA (Slovakian folk song)
10) MATTERHORN (Mr. I) Fun to be at the top!
11) MESTRE ANDRE (Portugese Folk Song)
12) CASTLES OF EUROPE (Gary Huntbatch) Great song about the castles of Europe.
13) CUCKOO (Traditional German)
14) THE CHURCH (Fingerplay)
15) DANKE (Martin Sneider) (Traditional Church Song)
16) OLD BEAR (Polish Folk Song)
17) MY AUNT’S GUITAR (Norwegian folk song)
18) MY FINNISH HARP (Finnish Folk Song)
19) CZECH WALKING SONG (Czech folk song)
20) RIVERS OF EUROPE (Gary HUntbatch) Mentions major rivers in Europe
21) ANCIENT GREASE (Gary Huntbatch) Oops! How did this get in here?
22) ANCIENT GREECE (Gary Huntbatch) Yes, the ‘real’ Greece song.
23) PETER & PAUL (Hungarian Folk Song)
24) LEPRECHAUN STORY (Gary Huntbatch) Silly and Funny (hee hee)
25) SILENT CRANE (Beautiful Ukranian Folk song to end)