Hello, Mr. I CD (18 songs)


Hello, Mr. I’ was recorded in 1996. It is a delightful collection of 18 songs & rhymes that will be enjoyed by the entire family.


Hello, Mr. I’ was recorded in 1996. It is a delightful collection of 18 songs & rhymes that will be enjoyed by the entire family.

Mr. I’s daughters, Sarah & Alisha are featured on the album & a group of twenty-four of Mr. I’s students.

Plus the delightful vocals of Nathan (Dhaliwal) Beloud

The album contains popular favourites such as ‘THE CAT CAME BACK’ and ‘MAGIC PENNY’, as well as many originals such as ‘TELL ME THE CONTINENTS’ and ‘BYE BYE ON MY BICYCLE’.

Special thanks goes to Baljit and Erwin for your spiritual and financial support in making this album a reality.

I Like the Sunshine – a cheerful, bright song about how we are all walking on common ground here on this earth.

Sandy – about our dear dog Sandy who was hit by a car in front of our house one day while we were out in the front doing yard work.

Counting Dog – My this is a silly song. I didn’t know that animals could count!

Five Little Mice – funny finger play. Watch out for the cat!

The Cat Came Back – Yes, the traditional one, with a few new verses by Mr. I.

Strangest Dream – Ed Mcurdy’s song of peace written on the year I was born. My daughters Sarah and Alisha sing this one. Ken Nachtigal adds a beautiful cello solo.

Off to California – Mr. I in his Pied Piper role. A lively Irish jig to dance along with.

Whale Whale Whale – A short song about whales and freedom.

British Columbia – The most beautiful place on earth. Also the wildest.

Hooray For The World – Red Grammar is one of my favourite song writers of music for children. Thanks for letting me use this upbeat song about how great it is to be on this planet.

Hop Along Song – Get ready to rock ‘n’ roll with this lively jumper. Thank Graham Walker for writing this one.

Knives and Forks – Fingerplay. Performed by Nathan, age 4.

I Love My Mom And Dad – Wrote this one while my girls were preschool age. Alisha does a great job of narrating the verses. Tongue-in-cheek chorus.

Magic Penny – Malvina Reynold’s song from the 60’s. “Love is something if you give it away, you’ll end up having more”.

Too Many Bats – Part of the Hallowe’en Show. Thank you Alex for your accidental question, “Are they baseball bats, Mr. I?”

Ghost In The House – About the time a ghost came to my bed. Too spooky; don’t listen to this one!

Tell Me The Continents – Learn the names of the continents through song. Thank you, Anise.

Bye Bye On My Bicycle – Alot of people question me when I tell them I wrote this song. They say it sounds like an old classic. It’s a fun song about traveling around the world on a bicycle.

Engineered by Craig Stauffer

Mixed by Daryl Hok

With a special thank you to Tom Carter of Magic Lab


Acoustic & Electric Guitars, flute & recorders: Yurgen Ilaender

Acoustic & Electric Bass: Daryl Hok

Drums & Percussion: Dave Gustafson

Keyboards & Accordion: Tom Carter

Cello: Ken Nachtigal

Vocals: Mr. I, Sarah, Alisha and Nathan

Harmonies: Karen Esaryk, Gary Huntbatch

Adult Choir: Carol Battaglio, John Hildebrand, Andrew Ilaender, Ken Nachtigal, Leanne Nachtigal, Leona Oren.

Children’s Choir: Candice Carlyle Walters, Mylantha Davey, Laura del Vicario, Brittany Flavell, Elizabeth Flavell, Sarah G. Alethea Hackman, Claire Hanevelt, Artin Karamanian, Aidan Large, Kieran Large, Alexander McIntyre, Jamie McKeen, Rayyann Maherali, Kristen Milliron, Samantha Palmer, Andrew Sanche, Ana Serenius, Tasia Shaw, Nicholas Spira, Marta Spira, Alexandra Thomsen, Alanna Whieldon.

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