All Countries Of The World CD download


Learn the names of all the countries of the world, continent by continent, of even in one song! Continent and Ocean names songs as well.


Every country on every continent in the world. Facts & Fun at it’s best! Learn the names of all the countries of the world continent by continent, or even in just ONE SONG!  CD also includes songs that teach the names of all the continents, all the oceans, all the states of the US and all the provinces and territories of Canada. Enjoy!

1) All Countries of the World (G. Huntbatch) – Try to memorize this one! If you do, you will know the names of all 195 countries of the world.
2) Let’s Count the Countries (Mr. I) – Mentions the disputed territories.
3) Tell Me The Continents (A. Abdulla) – Popular song used in Montessori schools to learn the names of the continents.
4) North American Countries (Gary Huntbatch) – Lists the names of all countries of North America
5) South American Countries (Gary Huntbatch) – Learn the names of all the countries in South America.
6) African Countries (Mr. I) – All countries in Africa. Also teaches an African Welcome song, Fenga Alafia.
7) Come With Us To Asia (Mr. I & Maureen Boudier) – Great fun song about visiting Asia.
8) All Countries of Asia (Mr. I) – New song that lists all the countries of Asia.
9) Flying To Europe (Mr. I & Maureen Boudier) – Names all the countries of Europe.
10) Australia (Folktune adapted by Mr I) – An adaptation of the folksong, Little Johnny England. Lists all Australian Territories.
11) Oceania (Gary Huntbatch) – Names all the islands and other lands of Oceania area.
12) Antarctic Territories (Mr. I) – Adaptation that talks about territorial claims in Antarctica.
13) Tell Me The Oceans (Mr. I) – Great song by Mr. I that teaches the names of the oceans.
14) States of the USA (Gary Huntbatch) – Great song by Gary Q. that teaches the names of all 50 states.
15) Provinces Of Canada (Mr. I) – Names the provinces and territories of Canada.
16) Unity Anthem (Gary Huntbatch) – A song about how we can have peace in our world.
17) A ‘Punny’ Story (Gary Huntbatch – A fun story with jokes and puns with the names of countries around the world

Lyrics for all song on ALL COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD CD


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