A delightful collection of Christmas songs for young children. Catchy, energetic, everyone will sing along and get in the holiday spirit.
Recorded during the Fall of 2002. The Rainbow Singers were so vibrant. Excellent energy with this CD. Congratulations to Jaycee Clarkson, Jenna Wilson, Nicola McIllwrick, Kylie Shorter, Jamie Shorter, Jessica Breuer and Sabina Breuer. With a special thanks to Cameron Wilson and Madeleine Clarkson for their delightful voices.
My wish for Christmas is that all the children in the world are living healthy, happy lives. That they are well-fed, well-sheltered and well-loved. For anything that you have done to help a child –BLESS YOU!
TRACKS: CHRISTMAS FUN with Mr. I & the Rainbow Singers:
CHRISTMAS IS COMING – Traditional poem recited by Madeleine. Wonderful recitation Madeleine, thank you.
- 32 FEET – (John Redmond, James Cavanaugh & Frank Weldon) Fun intro song that we use for our Christmas Shows..
- DECK THE HALL – (Traditional Welsh Christmas Carol) Introduces the Rainbow Singers.
- FELIZ NAVIDAD (Jose Feliciano) Joyful song. Sorry I locked you outside in the snow Rainbow Singers.
- A CHUBBY LITTLE SNOWMAN – Recited by Cameron. EEK! What happened to the carrot nose?
- FROSTY THE SNOWMAN -(Steve Nelson & Jack Rollins) Put on your dancing shoes. This one moves!
- JINGLE BELL ROCK – (Joe Beal & Jim Booth) Sweet rendition.
- JINGLE BELLS (J. Pierpoint) Okay, maybe this is a bit too fast. Santa sings along.
- WHEN SANTA GOT STUCK IN THE CHIMNEY – Sung by Madeleine. Wins ‘CUTE’ award for the season.
- MUST BE SANTA – Who wrote this song? Do you know? Rainbow singers glisten on this version.
- JINGLE JINGLE JINGLE – Who’s that on the roof?
- UP ON THE HOUSETOP – Oh Oh! Santa made it down the chimney. Will he make it back up?
- HERE IS THE CHIMNEY – Cameron again. Way to go Cameron!
- JOLLY OLD ST. NICHOLAS – Sung by Jessica and Sabina Breuer. The sweetness of their voices will touch your heart.
- DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR? (Noel Regney & Gloria Shayne) Would like to have spent more time with production on this one. But here it is, plain and simple. One of my favourite songs ever.
- I SAW MOMMY KISSING SANTA CLAUS – Yes, Rainbow Singers, hold that last note!
- HERE’S SANTA – Great job, Cameron, but you forgot RUDOLPH.
- RUDOLPH (Jonny Marks) This song has become such a favourite to children. Rainbow Singers get cheeky. Elvis?
- ROCKIN’ AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE (Johnny Marks) Say goodbye to all of the Rainbow Singers. Fun song.
- WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS – We had Madeleine begin the CD, so we let her finish it. Bless your little heart!