Famous Artists CD download


Great songs about many famous artists of Europe and North America. Picasso, Da Vinci, Emily Carr, Georgia O’Keefe and more.


Mr. I & Gary Q go back in time to visit the caveman artist. Then back to the future to sing about all the greats! Catchy songs that teach.

  1. I CAN BE AN ARTIST – (Yurgen Ilaender) I wrote this song several years ago when Anise first did the Artist theme at her school. It was very wordy, long-winded. I was surprised to hear the pre-school children singing it. We are all artists.
  2. PABLO PICASSO – (Yurgen Ilaender) The idea for this song came to me during music circle at Sunnygate Montessori. Anise had put up displays of Picasso’s works. I was touched by the peace doves. This became a real favourite for the childiren to sing. It drove parents crazy at home!
  3. LEONARDO DA VINCI –(Yurgen Ilaender) This idea also came out while in the classroom; I thought it was a simple melody and that the Rainbow Singers could learn it in one session. But the ending part fools you when singing. I used this song with the 3 & 4 year olds children in my classes at the Academies. I was proud of they sang it during the recitals.
  4. MICHAELANGELO IS AN ANGEL (Yurgen Ilaender) Beautiful melody written as a round. This would be great for a choir to develop and present during a recital.
  5. REMBRANDT IS HIS FIRST NAME (Yurgen Ilaender) I didn’t know that! Well, this song says it all.
  6. MONET, MANET (Lyrics by Mr. I, melody based on ‘MY BONNIE’) A favourite for the children. They loved the sway of the music. Great fun during the recital.
  7. VINCENT VAN GOGH (Gary Huntbatch) Gary has captured some of the essence of Van Gogh with this melody.
  8. GROUP OF SEVEN (Melody from ‘COTTON JENNY’ by Gordon Lightfoot, New lyrics by Yurgen Ilaender) What better way to describe famous Canadian painters than with the melody of a Gordon Lightfoot song. There were actually more than seven painters in this group. And Tom Thompson died before the group was officialy formed.
  9. EMILY CARR (Gary Huntbatch) This will become a well-known song sung throughout schools in Canada before it’s all over. Wonderful, catchy melody and full of good information about Canada’s Emily Carr.
  10. AMERICAN TEN (Gary Huntbatch) Canada has the group of seven, the US has the group of ten. These were early impressionist artists. Gary had fun with this one. You will too.
  11. GEORGIA O’KEEFE (Gary Huntbatch) So many American artists to choose from. I adore the work of Georgia O’Keefe, so does Gary, and his wife Jessica. Great song.
  12. ANDY WARHOL (Yurgen Ilaender) I spent many hours researching and reading about Andy Warhol and came up with just eight words to describe the whole experience. This is funny!
  13. SURREALISM (Yurgen Ilaender) So many movements and techniques in the 20th century to write about. I was always intrigued by Salvador Dali. Came up with this spooky little song.
  14. ART CAVEMAN (Gary Huntbatch & Yurgen Ilaender) Throughout the CD Gary is looking for the first ever ‘caveman artist’. You must listen yourself to see if he actually finds him (or her) or not.
  15. CHOCOLATE & VANILLA (Gary Huntbatch) Why do we always end our CDs with reference to ice cream? Who knows? Gary takes up painting in this cut.
  16. PLACE DES ARTS (Yurgen Ilaender) Originally written for the commemoration of Place des Arts’ 25th birthday. Redone again for Place des Arts’ 30th birthday. And now Gary has re-written the song to honour all Arts Centres in the world. We bless you all for your dedication, and the part you play in the advancement of the freedom of the human spirit.

Lyrics for all songs on the Famous Artists CD

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