Explore the magnificent country of Canada! For many years the Rainbow Singers and I have put together a special show for July 1sat, Canada day. We performed this show at many wonderful community venues. I am proud to be able to present this show to you as a CD. Enjoy! I feel so blessed to live in this peaceful country: Canada, I love you!
LYRIC BOOKLET with guitar chords also available.
1) THIS GREAT LAND (Judy Lea) An extraordinary song, catchy. Describes the ‘rainbow of colours in our faces’. We are a nation of many peoples living peacefully as one.
2) CANADA RAP (Mr. I) The names of all the provinces of Canada redone to include Newfoundland and Labrador together.
3) TO THIS LAND The cheerful little earful song, ‘When I first came to this land’. Originally recorded on Building A Better World. A song about pioneers of this wonderful country.
4) THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND – A couple of verses of Woody Guthrie’s famous song, Canadianized.
5) WHALE WHALE WHALE Short teaching song. Whales are so much a part of the west coast of Canada.
6) BRITISH COLUMBIA (J. Drynan) A beautiful song that I’ve used in the classes with great success over the years.
7) CARIBOO ROAD (B.C. folk song) Have been wanting to record this song for years. Also have used this in the classes. Had to change the last verse to keep up with modern concept of how to treat animals. Yahoo! I got this song from Folk collector Phil Thomas. See his incredible book, “Folk Songs of British Columbia”.
8) SHE’LL B COMIN’ O’ER THE TUNDRA- Yes, it’s a variation on ‘She’ll be comin’ o’er the Mountains’, but it works so well and the children really enjoy it. Whatever you do, DO NOT say ‘mush mush’.
9) 40 BELOW (Manitoba Folksong) A great tongue-in-cheek tune about how cold it can get in the prairies.
10) GRANDFATHER (Ontario Folksong) Such a beautiful tune. I let the girls sing this one on their own.
11) THE NORTHERN LIGHTS (Judy McAlpine) This is a colourful teaching song. Have the children hold coloured sheets of cloth as they sing through the colours of the northern lights.
12) LAND OF THE SILVER BIRCH (native melody, modern words) Yes, everyone has recorded this tune. And it is worth it. Was able to get a chance to play my native flute. Let me know what you think?
13) SI TU AIME LE SOLEIL (French) ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’ in French.
14) CAPE COD SHANTY (East coast folksong) YEs, a sea shanty describing what can be done with codfish!
15) CANADA IN MY POCKET (Michael Mitchell) Thank you Michael Mitchell for writing this magnificent song. Sorry about the reggae beat, I couldn’t resist.
16) ROULET, ROULET/TRANSCANADIAN EXPRESS (Fred Penner) Great classic kids tune by Fred Penner, previewed with a French train song. CHOO CHOO !
17) GREAT AND BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY (Gary Huntbatch) Gary writes a charming, catchy tune on the wonders of Canada.
18) SEARCH FOR SASQUATCH (Gary Huntbatch) Couldn’t get through an entire album without Gary getting silly. lol
19) EMILY CARR (Gary Huntbatch) A wonderful song about westcoast artist Emily Carr.
20) IN CANADA (Mr. I) My joyful song of peace. We are lucky to live in Canada !
Special thanks to the Rainbow Singers for their inspired singing on this CD:
Available on CD or cassette with an accompanying booklet.
Recorded at Place des Arts and at the Hummingbird Studios.