Africa CD download


Mr. I & Gary Q take a trip to Africa. They visit exotic places, meeting many ancient tribes, animals and birds. Some songs in African languages.


The Africa CD was inspired by Anise Abdulla and the children at SUNNYGATE MONTESSORI SCHOOL. Anise was born in Africa, so we had first hand resorces to work with. The CD is our best ‘FACTS & FUN’ CD. Very proud of the children, of Gary, it all meshed together so beautifully. Very educational, and lots of fun to listen to. Teachers, if you are studying AFRICA, here are some great songs for the children to learn.

Completely remixed in 2008 with 3 new songs as well!

Tracks: AFRICA (Summer 2002)

AFRICA – (Yurgen Ilaender & Gary Huntbatch) Special introductory chant is from Dido Morris. FENGA ALAFIA means ‘Hello, to all, from all directions. This song lists every country name in the continent of Africa. A daunting task, especially since some countries have tended to change their names every few years of late.

POLE POLE (author unknown) Got this song from a tape that Anise brought back from one of her conferences. Would love to know who wrote this one and give her the proper credits. Great teaching song for the children to learn some SWAHILI. Real animal sounds

TRIBES OF AFRICA (Yurgen Ilaender & Anise Abdulla) Okay, Gary and I get silly on this CD. Nevertheless, this song teaches the names of several AFRICAN TRIBES.

ZULU WARRIOR (Josef Marais) Fun little chant for the children to act out.

JAMBO – Got this one from a movie soundtrack. Would love to know the composer names. Dynamic, active song. Learn more Swahili.

LET’S MONKEY ABOUT – (Gary Huntbatch) – Tickle your armpits and sing along to this fun and funny song.

IN THE SAVANNA – (Yurgen Ilaender & Gary Huntbatch) Gary and I sing about the savanna in ‘Beach Boys’ style.

GORILLA (Yurgen Ilaender) – This song was an important one for me. Have always been appalled at how gorillas were treated in the past. Some interesting facts here about gorillas as well. A group of gorillas is called a ‘troop’.

OKAPI (Yurgen Ilaender) – Yes, this was a class favourite. Parents commented on how their children were singing it over and over at home. Describes an endangered species from Africa. Interesting animal.

THE CHEETAH RUNS FAST (Yurgen Ilaender) – What can I say? The cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth today.

DAYS OF THE WEEK (Melody by Charlotte Diamond) Simply translated Charlotte’s lovely melody in to Swahili. Teachers love it.

MOROCCAN ROLL (Yurgen Ilaender) – Put on your dancing shoes, we’re going to CASABLANCA. Gary goes on magic carpet ride.

THE AFRICAN BEAT – (Gary Huntbatch) – Great song by Gary Q that talks about the many different types of African drums and instruments.

MOJA BILI MAMBA (Lyrics by Anise Abdulla) Translates as ‘ONE LITTLE CROCODILE’. Or, are they really ‘little’?

WHITE NILE/BLUE NILE (Yurgen Ilaender) Jazzy description of the Nile River.

SONG OF THE SAHARA (Yurgen Ilaender) Fascinating to learn about the Taureg tribe. I read a book about a couple who got married and then travelled across the Sahara on camel as their honeymoon. Boy, did they get to know each other, or what.

A RAM SAM SAM – Funny little nonsense chant and round from Africa. Fun in the classroom.

KOKOLEOKO (folksong from Liberia) Wondered how I could fit this song on the CD. Was a favourite in the classroom, especially the part about running around the room and acting like ‘crazy’ chickens. And has become a favourite on the CD as well.

AT THE MARKET (South African folk melody with words by Louise Kessler) – What a delight it would be to experience a market in Africa. Imagine all the unique things that would be displayed. Gary finds something of importance.

ELEPHANT POEM (Fingerplay by Mr. I) Here you go teachers, something for the really young ones. Don’t forget to make a funny elephont sound when you lift up your elephont trunk!

ELEPHANTS ARE BIG (Gary Huntbatch) Great tune about the fact that Elephants are…… BIG!.

KILIMANJARO (Anise Abdulla) Way to go Anise, another beautiful song. The children enjoyed singing it too in the class.


Lyrics to all songs on Africa CD



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